Informationen rund um den Transnationalen Master

Der deutsch-französische Masterstudiengang "Transnationaler Journalismus" wird seit dem Wintersemester 2019/20 gemeinsam vom Journalistischen Seminar der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz und der Université Sorbonne Nouvelle 3 in Paris angeboten. Der in Zusammenarbeit entwickelte Studiengang wurde durch die Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH) akkreditiert.

The German-French master's program "Transnational Journalism" has been offered jointly by the Journalism Department of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle 3 in Paris since the winter semester 2019/20. The program, developed in collaboration, has been accredited by the Franco-German University (DFH).

Partner university

All information about the German-French Master's program "Transnational Journalism" at the Sorbonne Nouvelle 3 Paris can be found here. The program is managed at the Sorbonne by the program officers Dr. Valérie Robert and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ritte.

Course of studies

This is a small program of excellence with a total of 12 places: Six in Mainz, six in Paris. Participants spend one year at their home university (university of admission) and one year at the partner university. During their studies, all students go through the same modules, which are distributed between the two universities. A modular overview of the study contents can be found here.

The teaching staff in Mainz and Paris consists of lecturers and scholars from various disciplines (e.g. history, German studies, information and communication sciences, European studies, cultural studies) and experts (German and French journalists from various media). The students are thus trained theoretically as well as practically and undergo an intercultural, interdisciplinary and transnational study in Mainz and Paris.


During the second year of study abroad at the partner university, students receive financial support (mobility grants) from the DFH. Also available is an ERASMUS grant, which is paid out at the beginning of the year abroad and is also intended to provide financial support to students in the partner country. For further information, please contact the study office of the Franco-German Master's in Transnational Journalism in Mainz after you have obtained your place and started your studies.


Graduates receive a double German-French diploma, which is issued according to the Cotutelle procedure (a French diploma, a German diploma and a diploma from the DFH).