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Students film in the Ahr valley

Teaching Editorial Team Audiovisual Journalism | 16.03.2023

Reconstruction and Trauma in the Ahr Valley

by Gabi Glasstetter

As in the previous winter semester, eleven students from the teaching editorial team “Audiovisual Journalism” were on the road in the Ahr Valley in January of this year.

“Your students did an excellent job” - that was the feedback from Maximilian Eckhardt, head of the online editorial department of the Rhein-Zeitung, who once again partnered with the JS for this project.

Shovel loaders and people with shovels

Reconstruction in the Ahr valley

The five reports were produced using our system cameras or smartphones - with great dedication, such as Sonja Hößl taking her team mate Tabea Laier on her shoulders for a perfect “overshoulder shot.”

On site, the students spoke with people about the reconstruction after the devastating flood in July 2021. They accompanied a master craftsman who, with all the orders he has, can hardly rebuild his own store, a carnival group for whom carnival more than ever fosters community and cohesion, winemakers who have been fighting with destroyed vineyards and lost land since the flood, and many other people whose minds, hearts, and souls have been indelibly marked by that night a year and a half ago. The stories of these people are published on the Rheinzeitung website.

Rhein-Zeitung: Reconstruction in the Ahr valley (in German)