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Soccer team of the school of journalism

students at the j-cup | 18.07.2024

Soccer legends of the JS

by Tanjev Schultz

The J-Cup is the traditional soccer tournament for journalism schools and journalism degree programmes in Germany. The JS won the cup in Dortmund in 2023, which is why we hosted the tournament in summer 2024. And this time…

Team JS Mainz 1984

Foto: Katja Schupp

The JS Master’s students are not only fans of quality journalism, but also of quality football. Heel, tip, overhead kick - and a penalty-killer in goal: that’s how it works. A dozen teams from all over Germany played in the 2024 tournament in Mainz. Unfortunately, they narrowly failed to defend their title - the ‘Hals- und Steinbrecher’ team from the journalism department in Dortmund won this time. But the ‘Mainz Allstars’, made up of JS alumni and an alibi professor, took second place and thus another nice trophy - yay! The team of current Master’s students (‘JS Mainz 1984’) also played strongly, defeating the ZDF Volos with a furious 8:0, for example, but were then eliminated in the quarter-finals - and thus became a role model for the German national team at the European Championships.

German Journalism Championship 2024 (Instagram)

Mainzelmännchen with J-Cup on Mainz Cathedral Square

Photo: Stefanie Sommer