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Frederik von Castell, M.A.

Frederik von Castell, M.A.

Lecturer Data journalism

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First, if you do your research right, you sleep better. Second, PDFs are where data goes to die. Thrid, there is a separate hell for people who create tables incorrectly. And for those who put data into PDFs.

Frederik von Castell is a lecturer at the School of Journalism, his areas of responsibility include digital research, verification, data journalism and multimedia projects. Von Castell was a research assistant at the School of Journalism from October 2015 to September 2020. Frederik von Castell works as a data journalist primarily for Hessischer Rundfunk (primarily hr-iNFO-Politics and the Story Editorial Department). Previously, in addition to his work at the Department of Journalism, he worked as a freelance (data) journalist for HR and ARD, Wirtschaftswoche, FAZ, Welt, ZDF and Chrismon, among others. He is active as a trainer for the DJV, Netzwerk Recherche, the Academy of Consumer Journalism at the Department of Journalism and at various conferences.

About Frederik von Castell