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Audience of the Gallery Walk

Gallery Walk of the Creative Media Lab | 01.02.2024

A colourful potpourri of ideas

by Philipp NeuweilerJens Hartmann

The CoWorking room is a small cinema, the kitchen an escape room, seminar rooms as an exhibition, shared art space and craft corner.

Plenty of opportunities to look at, try out and exchange ideas. This semester’s Creative Media Lab exhibition is once again a colourful mix of ideas on a wide variety of topics: War reporter Martha Gellhorn, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), our sexuality in an age of media overload, self-care and mindfulness as well as art pedagogical ideas in a social media format.

Students of audiovisual publishing, journalism, film studies, media dramaturgy and time-based media have worked on five exciting projects over the past few weeks - as always under the motto of interdisciplinary, creative collaboration. To ensure that this succeeds, the course has been practising various methods of team building, alternative organisational structures and the process of design thinking in order to create space for innovation in format development. It is all the more rewarding when the project results are visible at the end and resonate with the audience.

For all those who were unable to attend the Gallery Walk, everything is also available online on our media lab website. Just click over to it:

Projects of the Creative Media Lab (in German)