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The students of the School of Journalism in front of Hambach Castle

southwest german media days 2024 | 24.06.2024

Emotions in journalism

by Matthias Stolz

In mid-June, a group of students from the School of Journalism attended the Southwest German Media Days in Landau for the first time. This year’s main topic: emotions in journalism.

Are there too many of them? How can journalists deal honestly with their emotions? Why do feelings go crazy on TikTok? The students joined in the discussion. The panelists included Rhineland-Palatinate minister-presidtent Malu Dreyer, the editor-in-chief of Übermedien, Alexander Graf, and political scientist Johannes Hillje.

The photo above shows our group in front of Hambach Castle, very close to Landau, the site of the Hambach Festival of 1832, known from history lessons in year 11, a mass demonstration for fundamental rights at which journalists also demanded freedom of the press.

In the club room of the conference centre in the evening, a game of table football (in keeping with the region, the red wooden men there are wearing the jerseys of 1. FC Kaiserslautern, the white ones those of VfB Stuttgart) resulted in a - let’s be honest about our feelings - humiliating 0:10 between teachers and students. There is a chance of revenge, because: From now on, the School of Journalism will take part in the Media Days every year, also as co-organiser.

Matthias Stolz and Johannes Hillje in conversation

Matthias Stolz in conversation with political scientist Johannes Hillje